Buying glasses online: our thoughts & feelings

It’s amazing how much the internet has revolutionised our lives, especially shopping for stuff. But should we be shopping for everything online? Should you buy your glasses online? 

There certainly isn’t a limited offering if you want to buy your glasses online and this side of the industry is growing. News articles advising you how to avoid ‘the Opticians money-grabbing trap’ will always provide the solution of buying glasses online because it could be cheaper. 

Honestly? It’s true that you can get a really cheap pair of glasses online and we may not be able to match that price. But there’s definitely no ‘ripping-off’ or evil shenanigans going on, I promise. 

The reason your glasses may be more expensive than when you buy some from online is the care and expertise you receive. Our frames are super stylish, but they are still medical devices that need to be provided correctly so that they work for you. And that’s where we come in. 

It’s really not as simple as just making lenses to your prescription and putting them in any frame. There area lot of factors that can influence what you will see through your glasses, especially if you have a stronger prescription. It’s a bit like baking. Your prescription is like the recipe. It’s up to the skill of the baker to know how to get the best out of a recipe, and that’s what we do.  

Frame sizes are another ball-game. It’s hard enough to figure out how clothes fit with arbitrary sizing. Frames may have the same measurements but sit and feel very differently on the face due to subtle differences in the design. And we’ve all been there; bought clothes and shoes that we thought fit when we quickly tried them on but realized after even an hour of wearing them that they’re far from ideal and they end up dumped in the bottom of our wardrobes, never to see the light of day again. 

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all have stylists that could honestly tell us what suits and fits us whenever we buy clothes? Think of the money we’d save and the hassle we’d forego! 

Well that’s what we’re here to do. We’re highly experienced in and passionate about matching you with glasses that not only look good, but fit comfortably all day and that you can actually see through them. We’re here to readjust your glasses if your dog sits on them. We’re here to find a solution if your glasses don’t feel quite right. 

At Harper & Cooper, our most popular range is our £98 collection. That’s your frame, standard single-vision lenses and an anti-reflective coating for £98. That £98 also includes styling, all measurements taken to ensure your glasses will work for you, fitting the glasses and regular spectacle MOT’s to help keep them in tip-top shape. 

Yes, as we’re a physical business we have more overheads than an internet retailer. But what we’re able to offer you is so much more. I can assure you that our prices are fair, our recommendations honest and our products excellent value for money. No villainous masterminding or evil schemes, we promise! 


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